Our Fearless Business Owner, Jess, Co-Founded the Luna Capri Foundation in honour of her beautiful daughter Luna, who after being tragically taken from the world at the tender age of three, has inspired countless children and parents alike to LIVE LIKE LUNA. Luna’s wellbeing movement is all about educating children and families on the importance of self-identity and self- awareness, empowering the next generation of families to RISE UP. Through the development of cutting-edge education and grief/loss/trauma frameworks, apparel, affirmations range and community initiatives, LUNA CAPRI FOUNDATION are launching a generational shift. Let us come together to help children and families to RISE UP! If you would like to learn more and see the magic they are creating, head on over to their website at www.lunacaprifoundation.com

100% of the sale is directly received by the Luna Capri Foundation and goes towards ensuring that their missions and values are able to be actioned.