Gone are the days of packing a fitted sheet, pillow, blanket and a bag to rest on...Here at Swaggies we have created the most deluxe all-in-one daycare bedding on the market! Fit for any King or Queen to rest on. With many years of testing, trialing & research we can confidently say you will absolutely love the ease & convenience of our product. These have been made by a busy parent - for a busy parent! 

We understand daycare mornings can be chaotic at times, so we've found a little something to help both parents and educators!

Swaggies have simplified daycare bedding into a single roll up system that is safe, lightweight & easy to use to encourage independence. Swaggies is simple for children to make their bed themselves & lightweight that your mini can proudly carry it themselves. Check out one of our TWENTY FOUR trendy prints to read more about the features of our Swaggies!